The Well-Tempered Ear

Classical music reminder and correction: Ear goes live Friday night at ‘Carmen’; Pro Arte Quartet was ready to play whole concert | November 5, 2009

By Jacob Stockinger

My day started with a telephone call from Parry Karp, the longtime cellist for the UW Pro Arte Quartet. proartebw1

The busy but always congenial Karp, who is a fan of the blog, wanted to correct an error of fact and clarify my post last weekend about their concert last Friday night that was curtailed after lively and exceptional performances of Haydn and Prokofiev quartets.

I said that the three members of the quartet had gotten sick and not had time to rehearse Beethoven’s “Harp” Quartet, which was to be the second half of the concert.

Not so, says Karp.

“We walked out on stage that night fully intending to play the ‘Harp,’ he told The Ear. “But then people got sick right on stage, so at intermission  we figured that’s it. We had to cut short the concert. But we had rehearsed the Beethoven and were ready to play it.”

So will they perform the “Harp” when they play at the Chazen Museum for “Sunday Afternoon Live From the Chazen” this Sunday at 12:30 to 2 p.m.? (You can hear it broadcast live on Wisconsin Public Radio, WERN 88.7 FM in the Madison area.)

“There isn’t time,” Karp said, adding the Pro Arte will instead perform Beethoven’s early Quartet in B-Flat, Op. 18, No. 6, which got such a fabulous performance at the Pro Arte’s opening concert for the season in late September.

But the Pro Arte is likely to play the “Harp” Quartet when it performs again on “Sunday Live” on Dec. 13.

And he said they will see if they can fit it into another program, either in February and April, for the Faculty Concert Series.

Karp also said the quartet members are recovering fine from the sudden onset of the debilitating flu.

One other related point of interest: Pro Arte violinist Suzanne Beia will play this Sunday’s Chazen concert and then rush over to the Overture Center for the 2:30 p..m. repeat performance of the Madison Opera’s “Carmen.”

If you didn’t think  the classical music scene in Madison is very busy, that seems a pretty good indicator, no?


This is just to remind you that this Friday night,  The Well Tempered Ear will be at the Overture Center tonight, blogging live from the lobby before and during intermissions of the Madison Opera’s opening night performance of Bizet’s “Carmen.”

If you are there, stop by the Bloggers’ table — there will be about a half dozen of us there — and say hello and whisper into The Ear  a sentence or two of a review that can be used on the blog.

Here’s your chance to be a critic — and to be read by other classical music and opera fans.

Hope to see you there and then.

And then let us know how you thought the first-time experiment of Bloggers Night at the Madison Opera actually worked.

Did you enjoy it?

Will it build new and/or younger audiences for opera?

The Ear wants to hear.

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