The Well-Tempered Ear

Classical music news: UW-Madison hornist Daniel Grabois will pay homage to his department with his recital on Wednesday night.

February 3, 2012

By Jacob Stockinger

The second semester of the University of Wisconsin School of Music’s Faculty Concert Series opens mid-week next week, on Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in Morphy Hall.

The FREE and PUBLIC series begins with a recital by UW-Madison hornist Daniel Grabois (a Roumanian name pronounced gra-BOY) who is just in his second year of teaching in Madison.

Grabois (below, in a photo by James Gill) agreed to  Q&A in which he talks about the special program he has chosen to play to pay homage to his department and predecessors, and how satisfied he is with his teaching post and performing life:

Your recital program is intended to pay homage to the horn department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where you now teach and also perform with the Wisconsin Brass Quintet. Can you elaborate on that, and on your view of the UW horn department and how it compares to other places you have taught?

Perhaps what has distinguished the horn teaching at UW is: first, the quality of the teaching; and secondly, the longevity of the teachers. My immediate predecessor, Douglas Hill, started teaching here in 1974 when I was finishing up fourth-grade, and he retired last year. I am only the fourth horn professor in the UW School of Music’s history.

Beyond that, however, every place I have taught employs adjunct professors, who are in and out of school quickly, without being a real on-site presence for their students. Having a full-time faculty makes a very special situation for UW students: They can find their professor in his or her office, ready to help by listening, talking, giving advice, or whatever. A student can run in and play through audition material. The faculty members are a resource for the students.

Can you give a brief description of what listeners should look for or pay attention to in each piece, and how each piece fits into the overall theme?

I’ll go in program order.

The piece by Alec Wilder (below) uses a language that I would call almost jazz. You can feel the jazz bubbling beneath the surface (in the third movement, it actually comes to the surface). The piece was written for John Barrows, who taught at the UW (he was also the teacher of one of my teachers). I love the piece because it is very approachable and fun but also a nicely structured piece of classical music.

The second piece is by Todd Hammes (below), the percussionist who is playing with me on the recital. After our first rehearsal, we were talking about – what else? – music, and I was telling him about an instrument I had sort of invented. I showed it to him, and he said “I have a piece we could play together and you could play that thing.” We tried it out, and it worked great, so I put it on the program. I love discovering things by accident like that. The piece itself is a simple slow meditation. If you want to see what the instrument is, you’ll have to come to the concert!

After that is a piece I wrote called “The Spikenard.” I wrote it as a solo horn piece, but in the concert Todd will be accompanying me on some really great drums from the Middle East. That fits perfectly with the flavor of the piece. I think of it as Middle Eastern chant meets rock and roll, for solo horn. Pretty odd idea, I know. I wrote the piece in little chunks backstage on tour waiting to go on stage.

After intermission, there are two pieces. The first requires a little explanation. I used to run a contemporary music degree program at Manhattan School of Music (below), and I had students with all kinds of creativity. One violinist had been an art major in college, and she found a way to fuse art and music by writing graphic scores.

These are basically sequences of pictures that you read from left to right and interpret musically as you please. They are beautiful to look at and are structured in a very “musical” way (for example, there might be a shape on the first page, that is repeated with variations on the second page and returns again on the seventh page). The composer’s name is Leah Asher, and I commissioned a graphic score from her for this concert, which will be the world premiere. I’ll be projecting the images on a big screen as I play the piece.

The last piece is by Doug Hill (below, in  photo by Katrin Talbot), who taught at UW from 1974 until his retirement last year. It’s a five movement work called “Song Suite in Jazz Style.” It’s written for horn and piano, but I decided to have Todd play drum set to make it even more in a jazz style. It’s very fun to play and very fun to listen to.

In summary: a piece written for my predecessor’s predecessor, a piece written by my predecessor, a piece I wrote, a piece I commissioned, and I piece I discovered here through collaboration.

What current or upcoming projects are you involved in?

Lots. This coming summer, I’ll be writing a brass quintet for the Wisconsin Brass Quintet, which is the faculty ensemble I play in. I also have been in the Meridian Arts Ensemble (below top)  for the last 24 years. It’s a brass quintet plus percussion. With that group, I just finished recording 3 CDs (yes, three of them), and we’ll be editing and releasing them. I’m also working with another faculty member at UW, trombone professor Mark Hetzler (below bottom, in a photo by Katrin Talbot), on writing and playing tunes that involve lots of electronics and lots of groove. When we get together, it’s like two kids messing around with fun stuff.

How have you found Madison as place to live, to teach and to perform in the year since you arrived here? High points? Low points?

I love it. There’s lots to do. Believe it or not, this is my first full-time job – and I’m 47 years old. I have always been a freelancer with about a million different jobs all put together in a crazy patchwork schedule. Now, I wake up, eat breakfast, and go to work. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I hadn’t.

Anyway, I don’t feel like I’ve hit any low points yet, knock on wood. My students are incredibly talented and motivated, the faculty is wonderful, the city is great, my family is happy, and I eat Thai noodle soup for lunch two or three times a week. I’ve been dealt a royal flush!

What else would you like to say about the horn department, your recital, your life and career here, or the classical music scene in Madison?

I would like to speak more generally. Across the country, classical music is in grave trouble. Orchestras are folding, musicians are out of work, people aren’t going to concerts. Please note that this seems not to be the case, thank God, in Madison. But, as an educator, I have to look at my students’ futures.

We classical musicians need to figure out what our purpose is, what the role of serious music is in society. We need to play music that is enjoyable, yes, but that stretches people, makes them see (and hear) the world in a richer way, opens them to experience bigger than themselves and to see the connections between things. In a tiny way, I’m hoping to do that in my concert.

I want to thank my two performer collaborators, Todd Hammes (percussion) and Kirstin Ihde (piano, and she’s a graduate student who REALLY gets the job done), and Leah Asher (below), who wrote me a really cool piece, and all my fellow faculty members who have been so supportive in my first year at the UW.

Classical music datebook: Despite Sunday’s Super Bowl 46, February opens with an emphasis on young performers and chamber music spotlighting three successive generations of German Romanticism.

February 1, 2012
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By Jacob Stockinger

There’s really no arguing about it: The second half of the concert season is well under way with the Madison Symphony Orchestra and the Madison Opera both having turned in superb performances.

This weekend will be quite a bit quieter. Could it be because Sunday’s Super Bowl 46 will cause fall-offs in audience attendance and create scheduling conflicts?

You can have both football and music. There is still time to catch concerts on Sunday afternoon and make the kick off at 5:30 p.m. CST on NBC TV.

Anyway, despite football there is still much to listen to and many good choices to make. Here is the line-up:


The FREE Friday Noon Musicale, from 12:15 to 1 p.m. in the historic Landmark Auditorium at the First Unitarian Society Meeting House, 900 University Bay Drive, will feature Madison native and violinist Mary Theodore (below), cellist Michael Allen and violist Chris Dozoryst in the music of Bartok and Ravel. For information, call 608 233-9774 or visit


The Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestras (WYSO) will hold a free open rehearsal this Saturday in Mills Hall, on the UW-Madison campus in the Humanities Building at 455 North Park Street, starting at 10 a.m. Music students, families, and teachers are invited to come and see what WYSO has to offer. Guests will be able to talk with WYSO staff and parents of current members, and will get a chance to tour WYSO’s four orchestras in rehearsal. After the tour, guests will have an opportunity to speak with current WYSO members in a Q&A session.

For more details, visit:

Since 1966, WYSO has been providing excellence in musical opportunities for more than 5,000 young people in southern Wisconsin. WYSO includes three full orchestras and a string orchestra, a chamber music program, a harp program, a percussion ensemble, and a brass choir program.

The orchestras rehearse on Saturday mornings during the academic year, perform three to four public concerts per season, and tour regionally, nationally and internationally. The Youth Orchestra will tour to Prague, Vienna and Budapest in July 2012; and has toured to Canada, Japan, Scotland, Spain, France, Colorado, Iowa and Washington, D.C., in the past.


“Sunday Afternoon Live from the Chazen” welcomes the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater faculty ensemble on Sunday from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in Brittingham Gallery Number III at the Chazen Museum of Art.

The program features three piano trios: Beethoven Piano Trio in E-flat, Op. 70, No. 2; Schubert’s “Notturno” in E-flat, D. 897; and Brahms’ Piano Trio No.1 in B major, Op. 8.

As usual, it will be broadcast live on Wisconsin Public Radio.

According to a press release, the faculty of the UW-Whitewater School of Music (below) is made up of  performers, composers and scholars dedicated to educational excellence whose work is known across the nation. The School of Music produces up to 130 musical programs per year including student recitals and ensembles as well as the Faculty/Guest Artist concert series.

The UW-Whitewater music faculty have received highest acclaim as educators, awarded six W.P. Roseman Awards, the highest University-wide teaching award for faculty, four University-wide awards for outstanding teaching by academic staff, and numerous College of Arts and Communication Excellence Awards.

Members of the Chazen Museum of Art or Wisconsin Public Radio can call ahead and reserve seats for Sunday Afternoon Live performances. Seating is limited. All reservations must be made Monday through Friday before the concert and claimed by 12:20 p.m. on the day of the performance. For more information or to learn how to become a museum member, contact the Chazen Museum at (608) 263-2246.

A reception follows the performance, with refreshments generously donated by Fresh Madison Market, Coffee Bytes and Steep & Brew. A free docent-led tour in the Chazen galleries begins every Sunday at 2 p.m.

Then at 2:30 p.m. in the First Congregational United Church of Christ, 1609 University Ave. across from Camp Randall, the local chamber music ensemble Con Vivo! (Music with Life, below) will open continue to mark its 10th anniversary season.

The concert will feature the music of three successive masters of German Romanticism: Johannes Brahms, Alexander Zemlinsky and Max Reger.  The program includes the String Quintet in F Major, Op.88 by Brahms, the Trio for piano, clarinet and cello Op. 3 by Zemlinsky and the “Fantasy on Ein Feste Burg” by Max Reger played on the magnificent organ at First Congregational Church.

Tickets can be purchased at the door:$12 for adults and $10 for seniors and students.

Audience members are invited to join Con Vivo! musicians after the concert for a free reception to discuss this chamber music literature and to celebrate their 10th tenth season.

Artistic Director Robert Taylor, in remarking about the concert said, “We have always strived to present chamber music in an enjoyable and enlightening manner. This program shows the progression of the late German Romantic era with Brahms as the traditionalist and Zemlinsky (below top), a student of Brahms, showing new directions in harmony. Closing the concert is a piece by Max Reger (below bottom), one the last of the tonal German composers, who shows the way forward to what would become the atonal music of the Second Viennese School in the early 20th century. With our 10th season, we continue the tradition of bringing our audience works that are familiar and some that are perhaps new. ”

Con Vivo! is a professional chamber music ensemble comprised of Madison area musicians assembled from the ranks of the Madison Symphony Orchestra, the Wisconsin Chamber Orchestra, and various other performing groups familiar to Madison audiences.


At 7:30 p.m. in Morphy Hall. The University of Wisconsin School of Music will open the second half of the season Faculty Concert Series with a FREE and PUBLIC horn recital by Daniel Grabois (below, in a photo by James Gill), who has chosen a program to pay homage to the horn department at the UW School of Music.

Grabois (pronounced Gra-BOY) will be joined by pianist Kirstin Ihde and percussionist Todd Hammes.

The program includes Sonata No. 3, by Alec Wilder (below top); “Prelude to Sunrise” by Todd Hammes; and “The Spikenard” by Grabois; the world premiere of “Roda” by Manhattan School of Music student Leah Asher, whose artwork will be displayed during the piece’s performance; and the “Song Suite in Jazz Style” by retired UW hornist and composer Douglas Hill (below bottom, in a photo by Katrin Talbot).

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