The Well-Tempered Ear

Classical music: The Madison Chamber Choir will perform an eclectic concert of works by J.S. Bach, Amy Beach and the Beach Boys on Friday, May 31. | May 29, 2013

By Jacob Stockinger

A blog fan and local singer writes:

I’m writing on behalf of the Madison Chamber Choir (below, in a photo by Jim Pippett) to let you know of our upcoming spring concert in the hope that you might spread the word to Madison-area music lovers through your fabulous blog.

madison chamber choir CR Jim Pippitt

We’re calling the concert “Bach & Beach.” It will be held on Friday, May 31, at 8 p.m. at Covenant Presbyterian Church, 3236 South Segoe Road. Admission is a suggested donation of $10.

Directed by Anthony Cao (below top, in a photo by Jim Pippitt) , the concert will be an eclectic offering that will include music of J.S. Bach (“Jesu, Meine Freude and “Sleepers Wake”), as well as some work of Amy Beach (below and at the bottom in a YouTube video are three songs) and, yes, The Beach Boys.

madison chamber choir dir anthony cao CR Jim Pippitt

Amy Beach BW 1

I’m attaching an e-version of a publicity postcard that includes some relevant details.

Adds The Ear: I didn’t get specific titles of works by Beach and The Beach Boys. But if the concert is half has half the fun and color of the poster (below), it should be a memorable event.

Madison Chamber Choir poster May 2013

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