The Well-Tempered Ear

Classical music: The Isabella Lippi Trio performs piano trios by Mozart, Shostakovich and Dvorak this Friday night at Farley’s House of Pianos | May 15, 2017

By Jacob Stockinger

On this Friday night at 7:30 p.m., the Isabella Lippi Trio will perform in the Salon Piano Series at Farley’s House of Pianos, 6522 Seybold Road, on Madison far west side near West Towne Mall.

The all-masterpiece program features the Piano Trio in B-flat major, K. 502, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; the Piano Trio No. 2 in E minor, by Dmitri Shostakovich; and the famous “Dumky” Piano Trio by Antonin Dvorak. (You can hear the captivating opening of the “Dumky” Trio, played by the venerable Beaux Arts Trio, in the YouTube video at the bottom).

Tickets are $45.

Members of the trio are Madison violinist Isabella Lippi (below top), who is also the concertmaster of the Elgin Symphony Orchestra; Chicago cellist Paula Kosower (below middle); and Chicago pianist Kuang-Hao Huang (below).

For more information about the artists and about obtaining tickets, got to:

1 Comment »

  1. A nice selection of chamber music running from the more traditional Mozart to Dvorak and Shostakovitch. Good programming.

    Speaking of which, I’m quite pleased the direction that Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR) has taken recently. Looking at their programming, it is obvious that they are responding to listener’s requests for newer and less played music. Their programming for Sunday, 14 May, for instance, includes traditional composers like Haydn,Telemann, Mozart, Bach, and Beethoven but also a strong mix of the new and not played so much: by the likes of Shostakovitch, Sibelius, and even Phillip Glass, John Rutter, Gershwin, and even Andrew Iannaccone.


    Comment by FFlambeau — May 15, 2017 @ 1:05 am

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