The Well-Tempered Ear

Online playlists return to Wisconsin Public Radio | April 29, 2023

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By Jacob Stockinger

Good news!

News that deserve a big shout-out!

Online playlists for classical music programming have returned to Wisconsin Public Radio (WPR).

The user-friendly move comes after more than a year of absent playlists and, fortuitously, as WPR is conducting a spring membership drive seeking financial support from the public.

There is one major drawback: You still can’t check on pieces and performances in real time — that is, on the same day or even the same moment as you are listening. Now you have to wait until the next day to see the posting.

That is an unfortunate change from the past. And one hopes it will be fixed soon. Maybe WPR will even let listeners know if and when real-time postings will return.

The current one-day delay seems especially odd, given that the pieces played overnight on WPR — from Minnesota Public Radio, I believe  — are posted right as they begin to air.

But at least now we don’t have to wait weeks or months to find out information about something you have probably already forgotten about.

The new format seems less straightforward and less user-friendly than the old one, which put the information right in front of you when you went to the home website and clicked on playlists for News and Music Network.

But now you just go to the date bar and choose the day you are looking for. Once you find the piece, you will notice the name of the show on which it aired such as “Morning Classics” or “The Midday.” You also find the time with the composer, title and performer.

If you also click on “More,” you will see additional details such as the record label and catalogue number. Here a link to try it out:


The return of the playlists is especially useful now that WPR is programming so many neglected composers and so much unfamiliar music — something the current pledge drive seems to be explaining and emphasizing.

So let’s offer hearty congratulations and sincere thanks to WPR and its engineers for the move.

What do you think of the return of WPR playlists?

Have you used the new playlists?

What do you think about their usefulness and online display?

Should WPR playlists be posted in real time?

The Ear wants to hear.


  1. I have it on good authority that Mr. Gilliland has pledged to do neither. 🙂


    Comment by bbead — April 30, 2023 @ 7:28 am

  2. Can you please explain the playlists. What are they? How do I find them?

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Deb — April 29, 2023 @ 8:12 am

    • Hi Deb
      Thank you for asking.
      Playlists are lists of the music that is being played or has been played.
      In the blog post, there is a link to take you to the home website.
      That is where you can find various playlists if you click on the day.
      I hope that helps you.
      Best wishes
      The Ear


      Comment by welltemperedear — May 5, 2023 @ 10:34 am

  3. WPR is a lost cause. They now play jazz flagrantly during so- called Morning Classics. I suspect they’ll lose the midday programming by attrition if Norman Gilliland ever retires or dies.


    Comment by christopherlschatz — April 29, 2023 @ 8:05 am

    • Hello Christopher
      Thank you for your reply and your expression of concern.
      I share it.
      Not only has WPR added jazz to the “classics” but also movie scores and video game music.
      I haven’t seen demographics about the size of the listening audience or about the number of donors.
      But something tells me the need to grow both is behind more of the so-called “inclusion.”
      But Im not sure it is a loose cause. We will just have to see if such trends continue and expand.
      Best to you
      The Ear


      Comment by welltemperedear — May 5, 2023 @ 10:40 am

  4. Ridiculous not to have them posted on the day of broadcast


    Comment by James rhem — April 29, 2023 @ 6:55 am

    • Hi James
      It is and has been ridiculous.
      But this is Friday, May 5, and now the playlists are being posted in real time.
      At long last!
      Happy listening


      Comment by welltemperedear — May 5, 2023 @ 10:42 am

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