The Well-Tempered Ear

I’ll hear what she’s hearing: Tchaikovsky and the Big O in LA

May 3, 2023

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By Jacob Stockinger

Who says classical music is staid and boring?

Remember that famous scene in the movie “When Harry Met Sally” where Meg Ryan demonstrates to Billy Crystal during lunch in a deli how she can fake sexual ecstasy?

And then a woman sitting nearby who overhears the crescending moans tells a waitress “I’ll have what she is having.”

Something like it actually — or at least supposedly — happened during a recent concert in Disney Hall by the Los Angeles Philharmonic during a performance of the Symphony No. 5 by Tchaikovsky.

Some audience members dispute it, but others are certain a woman experienced a “loud, full-body orgasm” during the ultra-Romantic second movement (below in a YouTube video).

Talk about audience response!

The incident has gone viral on the Internet and has also been covered in serious newspapers.

Here is one of the most colorful stories, from The New York Post, that also has the video and some interesting background, including the actual video:

What would Tchaikovsky say?

What do you say?

Do you think it happened? Or is even possible?

The Ear wants to hear.



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