The Well-Tempered Ear

NPR names the Top 10 classical recordings of 2023

December 17, 2023
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By Jacob Stockinger

Every holiday season, The Ear used to post various lists of the top classical recordings of the year as a kind of gift guide for giving or receiving CDs.

Such lists can still be used that way — especially now that audiophiles have turned to vinyl LPs that are quite expensive as well as limited in choice.

But since so many of us now have streaming services, I view such lists more and a guide to exploring rather than purchasing.

For example I can listen to the first album in 12 years by Awadagin Pratt (below and in the YouTube video at the bottom). It is “Stillpoint” and it features six pieces commissioned by Pratt. By streaming I can decide if I like it without buying it – and getting stuck if I don’t, which is often the case with new music.

Indeed, I think one of the best and most economical gifts one can gift a classical music lover is a trial subscription to a streaming  service. For what it is worth, I find Apple Music and Apple Music Classical to be extremely useful and comprehensive in their offerings, including countless out-of-print vintage and outstanding recordings.

But their are several others — including Spotify, Idaho, Presto Music and Qobuz.

Plus, my hunch is that the coming year will bring improvements in offerings and user-friendly listening to all of the streaming services.

In any case, here is the Top 10 list of new recordings from 2023 with numerous YouTube samples and helpful comparisons to other composers and styles of music. It has been compiled by the veteran critic and blogger Tom Huizenga (below) of National Public Radio (NPR):

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