The Well-Tempered Ear

Napoleon’s own piano adds authenticity to the new biopic. Hear it here

December 6, 2023
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By Jacob Stockinger

Ridley Scott’s new critically acclaimed biopic about Napoleon Bonaparte — with Joaquin Phoenix portraying the famous emperor general — has been criticized, especially in France, for taking liberties with the actual history and life of Napoleon.

But in one respect, however, the movie “Napoleon” is unexpectedly authentic: the way composer Martin Phipps used a piano once owned by Napoleon in the soundtrack.

Here is a link to the story that aired Monday on National Public Radio (NPR):

The Ear couldn’t find a photo of the actual Napoleon piano, but the 1795 Broadwood piano (below, from the Cobbe Collection in London) fits the description except for the the ornaments:

And if you click on the link to play a Haydn Fantasy that is on the historical collection’s website for this particular piano, you will hear how closely it resembles the sound of the piano used in the movie, which you can hear more at length in the YouTube video at the bottom.

Is it just me, or does the some of the soundtrack sound a lot like the theme music in “The Godfather”?

The Ear wants to hear.

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