The Well-Tempered Ear

Classical music: What makes “Nixon in China” so appealing? | February 11, 2011

By Jacob Stockinger

My crystal ball has a lot of cracks in it, including two very large ones left over from the George McGovern presidential campaign and the reelection campaign of former Wisconsin Governor Tony Earl.

But I’m still willing to predict that this Saturday, tomorrow, will see large houses, if not sellouts, for the Metropolitan Opera’s “Live in HD” broadcast of “Nixon in China” by the American composer John Adams (below).

And I am not just talking about Madison, where “Nixon in China” will be broadcast at the westside Point Cinemas and the eastside Eastgate cinemas where the 4-hour production starts at noon, but people will be getting seats a lot sooner. (There is also an encore screening on March 2. Tickets are $24 with discounts for seniors over 60 and children.)

The “Met Live in HD” productions have been phenomenally popular, one of the bright spots in an often bleak world of classical music. Even so, I don’t think I have ever heard so much excitement and word of mouth about a single Met HD production from both opera fans and non-opera fans.

Could it be because of the political and cultural content that seems more relevant to today than most operas?

Could it be because, as a celebrity culture, we are fascinated with presidents and dictators?

Could it be because Richard Nixon himself in an engaging figure, one perhaps as enigmatic, secretive and criminal – though not any where near as criminal — as China and Chairman Mao?

Could it be because the work itself seems like the opera version of reality TV, a fusion of fiction and non-fiction – “docu-opera,” to use a label that the composer rejects?

Could it because of all the economic and political news about China in the media these days?

Could it be because the music is so good?

Could it also be because two local figures—the Madison Symphony Orchestra’s music director John DeMain (below top) and the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra’s Edo de Waart (below bottom) who lives in Middleton — both played seminal roles in the live and recorded premieres of the work 25 years ago,  the former at the Houston Grand Opera and the latter at the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra?

Whatever the reason, “Nixon in China” does indeed seem to be entering the mainstream repertoire – no small feat for a minimalist work – and people are talking. There must be a good reason why it is FINALLY making its debut at the iconic but largely conservative Met.

So for today’s post I thought I would provide some links to inform the discussions and pique or even satisfy curiosities. They include purely informational entries as well as background pieces and a review.

I’m sure there is a lot more, and I hope readers will leave replies with links to more reviews and background pieces as well as with their own reactions to the HD broadcast and why they went to it.

For background:


For a review of the Met production by The New York Times’ chief critic Anthony Tommasini:

Did you go to “Nixon in China”?

What did you think?

What do you think is the big draw of the opera?

The Ear wants to hear.

Posted in Classical music


  1. I saw the live broadcast on Saturday and thought it was terrific. I do think part of the appeal are the historical characters and the fact that the events the opera is based on happened so recently. I love John Adams’ music, and have the recording with Edo de Waart and the Orchestra of St. Luke’s. I’ve not heard “Dr. Atomic” or “The Death of Klinghofer” (not sure I spelled that right), but after seening “Nixon in Chuna.” I’d like to try those as well.


    Comment by Doug Palmer — February 13, 2011 @ 9:52 pm

    • Hi Doug,
      Thanks for reading and replying.
      I think you are right to try other operas.
      I would also suggest listening to especially his “Harmonielehre” and “On the Transmigration of Souls,” a 9/11 piece for which Adams won the Pulitzer Prize.


      Comment by welltemperedear — February 13, 2011 @ 10:26 pm

  2. I’ve loved Nixon in China since seeing it on PBS in 1987, and just found that broadcast in 17 segments on YouTube:


    Comment by Liz Vowles — February 12, 2011 @ 5:11 pm

  3. Jake –
    I believe Edo de Waart’s seminal recording of “Nixon” was with the Orchestra of St. Luke’s, though while at the SF Symphony, he commissioned Adams’s first major orchestral work, “Harmonielehre.”

    Wish I could see the broadcast this weekend, but will be working 3Penny! “Nixon” is a favorite of mine.



    Comment by Brian H — February 11, 2011 @ 2:54 pm

    • HI Brian,
      You might well be right. I seem to recall John DeMain saying that he and de Waart negotiated and he got to do the world premiere at the Houston Grand Opera in 1987 — which co-comissioned the work with the Brooklyn Academy of Music and the JFK Performing Arts Cetner in Washington, D.C. — and in return Edo de Waart got to conduct the first recording — but not, as you point out, with the San Francisco Symphony, where John Adams was composer in residence during the time he wrote Nixon and where de Waart music director was during that time.
      I’ll try to check into it.
      Whatever the history, “Nixon in China” is indeed a watershed work and favorite opera.
      Thanks for reading and commenting.


      Comment by welltemperedear — February 11, 2011 @ 4:28 pm

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Classic Music Man, Andrei Strizek. Andrei Strizek said: What makes “Nixon in China” so appealing? […]


    Pingback by Tweets that mention Classical music: What makes “Nixon in China” so appealing? « The Well-Tempered Ear -- — February 11, 2011 @ 12:54 pm

  5. OK…here’s the post!


    Comment by Greg Hettmansberger — February 11, 2011 @ 9:35 am

  6. For the record, I’m “never” in favor of self-promotion, but I’m so passionate about “Nixon” that I decided to post the link to my preview article (mostly an interview with John DeMain) on Dane101. I’ve always wanted to see this live, and I can’t wait, and I do hope that Eastgate gets its first big turnout. I know that Point Cinema sold out “Rheingold” while Eastgate sold about 50 seats, and they had a small turnout for “Boris” in October. But the growth of “Live from the Met in HD” is a real phenomenon nationwide. Happy listening!


    Comment by Greg Hettmansberger — February 11, 2011 @ 9:34 am

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