The Well-Tempered Ear

ALL Bach Around the Clock 2023 concerts are now online. Here are the links and some stats | April 4, 2023

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By Jacob Stockinger

The Ear has received the following news from Bach Around the Clock 2023 (BATC). Please note that there is no time limit or expiration date on viewing and listening to the online postings (see the example video of a string quartet arrangement from “The Art of Fugue” at the bottom):

BATC 2023 Festival video recordings are now available at and on YouTube

BATC 2023 recordings have been organized into playlists: Guest Artist Lawrence Quinnett; String SoloistsKeyboard soloistsEnsembles and StudiosFestival FinaleVirtual Performances

Recordings for Just Bach’s Concert and Bach on Marimba lecture/performance are also available.

Thank you to BATC 2023 performers! True to our mission, Bach Around The Clock welcomed the participation of over 115 performers (below in St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church), including amateurs and professionals of all ages and experience levels, sharing their love of Bach’s music with the community.

85 musicians performed at St. Andrew’s on Saturday, March 11.
30 musicians submitted recordings from their homes and studios.
28 hours of Bach Around The Clock performances are available.

Thank you to our audience members (below in Grace Episcopal Church)! In-person and online — BATC 2023 performances have been enjoyed by record-setting numbers of Bach enthusiasts.

Thank you to our BATC Donors, acknowledged here. With the generous support of over 40 BATC fans and business sponsors, we achieved our fundraising goal of covering all 2023 festival expenses! New contributions will help us with planning for the future of Bach Around The Clock.

New contributions will help us with planning for the future of Bach Around The Clock.

You can donate here:

1 Comment »

  1. Wonderful to be able to access the concerts we missed. Thanks to all concerned.


    Comment by Ronnie — April 4, 2023 @ 8:47 pm

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