The Well-Tempered Ear

Today is World Piano Day. Deutsche Grammophon has a free online celebration

March 29, 2023

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By Jacob Stockinger

Today — Wednesday March 29, 2023 — is World Piano Day.

That is because today is the 88th day of the year — and most pianos these days have 88 keys, with the exception of the Austrian high-end maker Bösendorfer, which also makes models with 91 and 97 keys.

Deutsche Grammophon is the world’s oldest recording label and has signed many great pianists in the past and continues to do so  today, including two of the Ear’s young favorites: South Korean pianist and 2015 Chopin Competition gold medalist Seong-Jin Cho (below top) and Icelandic pianist Vikingur Olaffsson (below bottom).

Here’s the press release:

“Deutsche Grammophon is set to mark World Piano Day on 29 March 2023 with its fourth international festival of pianism. 

“Available to enjoy without charge on DG’s streaming service STAGE+ and the label’s YouTube channel, the festival will turn the spotlight on artists including Joep Beving, Seong-Jin Cho, Brian Eno and Roger Eno, Jan Lisiecki, Hélène Grimaud, Lucas and Arthur Jussen, Evgeny Kissin, Lang Lang, Bruce Liu, Fabian Müller, Víkingur Ólafsson, Max Richter, Grigory Sokolov and Daniil Trifonov.

“Together they will offer a feast of music ranging from the keyboard works of J.S. Bach and Handel to contemporary compositions.

“Music-lovers will be able to tune in free of charge for 30 days by using promo code WORLDPIANODAY. Full details can be found at”

Piano students and fans will love the many close-ups and hand shots.

You can also sample the 1 hour, 21 minute-digital celebration on YouTube via this link (be sure to click of HEAR MORE to see the pianist, the piece and the timing)

You can hear one of The Ear’s favorite young pianists, pieces and recordings — a new release — at the bottom.

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