The Well-Tempered Ear

Meet unique Yannick

February 3, 2024
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By Jacob Stockinger

It’s getting hard not to recognize the name of conductor Yannick Nézet-Séguin (below, conducting the Chamber Orchestra of Europe).

The 48-year-old French-Canadian is the acclaimed music director of the Metropolitan Opera, the artistic director of the Philadelphia Orchestra, and the music director and chief guest conductor of the Montreal Metropolitan Orchestra. He also heads numerous recording collaborations — many of them award-winning — for the Deutsche Grammophon label. 

He also trained Bradley Cooper who portrayed Leonard Bernstein in the new movie “Maestro.” (He discusses that in the YouTube video at the bottom.)

Like the flamboyant Bernstein, the colorful Nézet-Séguin is getting to be a superstar conductor, a much-in-demand rock star of the classical world who is known by his first name — Yannick, like Lenny.

What would you like to know about him?

How he was trained?

What was his big break?

What is his private life like?

How does he juggle his super-busy schedules and commitments?

What music he  listens to away from his jobs?

Here is a revealing interview that should answer a lot of your questions and spike the public’s interest in him even more.

What do you think of Yannick?

The Ear wants to hear.

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