The Well-Tempered Ear

Here is complete information about the 10th international Handel Aria Competition on Aug. 18 in Madison | July 21, 2023

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By Jacob Stockinger

This year the annual Handel Aria Competition marks its 10th anniversary.

Founders Dean and Orange Schroeder write: “It’s interesting to note that the first-prize winners for the past three competitions have all been studying in the U.S., but were originally from the Philippines, England and Australia. We’ve truly become international in scope, with applications from around the world.”

The final round of this year’s competition will take place on Friday, Aug. 18, at 7:30 p.m. in the historic Grace Episcopal Church (below), 116 West Washington Ave. on the Capitol Square downtown. It will take place in-person and via live-streaming.

As usual, the singers will be accompanied by the outstanding local early music group Madison Bach Musicians (below), under founder, director, conductor and harpsichordist Trevor Stephenson.

Tickets are now available for both in-person attendance ($25) and live streaming (pay what you can afford — which The Ear thinks is an ideal and socially just way to allow access to the arts and to expand an audience). Details about ticket availability are on the very well organized, comprehensive and user-friendly website:

The website also offers detailed biographies of the contestants; repertoire that will be sung, much of which comes from “Messiah”; the jury members; past history; a live auction and fundraising; and an impressive downloadable program for the concert.

This year offers seven finalists (pictured below) selected from dozens of applicants around the world:

Clockwise, from upper left, they are:

Cody Bowers, countertenor

Olivia Doig, soprano

Fran Daniel Laucerica, tenor

Emily Donato, soprano

Chea Young Kang, soprano

Andrew Bearden Brown, tenor

• Matthew Reese, countertenor

The 2022 winners (below) were Joanne Evans, mezzo-soprano, first prize (center); Omar Najmi, tenor, second prize; and Emily Donato, soprano, third prize. Donato is returning this year for another try at the first prize.

(In the YouTube video at the bottom, you can hear past winner soprano Sarah Brailey singing in the 2015 competition. YouTube features performances from past competitors and competitions. Brailey has gone on to win a Grammy, become a guest faculty member at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s Mead Witter School of Music; and the artistic director of the Handel Aria Competition.)

Here is a list of the opera and oratorio arias by Baroque composer George Frederick Handel that will be featured in the competition concert:

Emily Donato: “With ravish’d ears” from “Alexander’s Feast” and “Dunque i lacci d’un volto…Ah! Crudel” from “Rinaldo”

Olivia Doig: “Mean as he was…Author of peace” from “Saul” and “Il primo ardor” from “Ariodante”

Chea Kang: “Rejoice greatly” from “Messiah” and “O Numi!…Ma chi punir desio” from “Flavio”

Cody Bowers: “But who may abide” from “Messiah” and “Inumano fratel…stille amare” from “Tolomeo”

Matthew Reese: “Inumano fratel…stille amare” from “Tolomeo” and “O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion” from “Messiah”

Andrew Bearden Brown: “Comfort Ye…Every Valley” from “Messiah” and “Alla offesa…È un folle” from “Alcina”

Fran Daniel Laucerica: “Comfort Ye…Every Valley” from “Messiah” and “Un momento di contento” from “Alcina”

For more information and to directly contact the Handel Aria Competition write to PO Box 5554, Madison, WI 53705 or go the home website


  1. I have been privileged to be on the Board of Directors for HAC for most of its existence. What amazes me every year, is how good these young singers are. I have seen firsthand the difficulty our professionals have in narrowing down the finalists for the competition. For anyone even mildly interested in classical singing, this is a must see (and listen).

    Liked by 1 person

    Comment by Jeff Turk — July 21, 2023 @ 9:48 am

    • Hi Jeff
      Thank you for your reply and your recommendation based on firsthand experience.
      Cheers to another successful festival.
      Best wishes


      Comment by welltemperedear — July 21, 2023 @ 11:48 am

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